Wizard Spells

First Level

the inevitable bolt

Range: 100’ + 10’ / Caster Level Duration: 1 turn

The caster conjures a bolt of occult energy that they may fire at a target within view and range. The bolt cannot be blocked by non-magical means, does not miss, and deals 1d6+1 damage.

The number of bolts that the caster can create and maintain simultaneously is increased by the caster’s attack bonus, to a maximum of 6 at level 12.

a remonstration against gravity

Range: 60’

Duration: 3 turns

Target that would fall long enough to take damage slows and gently floats down to the ground, landing unharmed.

A wizard with this spell memorized can cast it as a reaction while falling.


Range: 30’ Area: 50’ Duration: Instant

Creates a blinding flash of light that repels undead or creatures with sensitive vision. Creatures who fail save (R/F) suffer -2 to attack rolls for one turn.

animate container

Range: Touch Duration: 2 hours

Caster touches a container. The container comes to life and will follow them, but does not obey orders.

Second Level

the expunction of execrable memory

Third Level

Fourth Level

Fifth Level

Sixth Level

Domain (wip)

V/S/M (Thematically fitting materials worth 15000 GP, a building, room, or space with a definite boundary owned by the caster.) Range: N/A Area: Up to 100 contiguous square feet, each 10’x10’ square extending 20’ vertically. Area may connect vertically and horizontally.

Duration: Permanent

The caster must perform a ritual lasting one week, after which they gain control of the area of space chosen at the start of the ritual.

Within this space, the caster may do any of the following, as well as any other effects that the GM agrees are reasonable:

-Freely adjust the direction of gravity, whether for individuals or areas such as paths/walkways within their domain.

-Expand the internal dimensions of their domain up to twice the original size. Making it bigger on the inside does not affect the external dimensions.

-Reshape non-living materials, such as stone, glass, wood, in order to add new fortifications, floors/walls for expanded spaces, sculpt excessively vain statues, etc.

-Control the time of day, or otherwise alter the sky as they see fit.

-Water their plants automatically.

-If there’s a guy in there your wizard senses will tell you. (Not where, though.)