

Unholy Pact


Magical Ancestry


Arcane Artifice

(TODO) Assorted bonuses to creating magic items.


Allows research of spells that can heal living beings. Research cost of spells intended to cause direct harm is as if they were a level higher. (TODO) Signature spell.


Two bonus dice (d10) when researching spells relating to stars, space, other planets, etc. (TODO) Signature spell.

The Forbidden Paths

Two bonus dice (d10) when researching spells relating to necromancy, demon summoning, being edgy. (TODO) Signature spell.

Elemental Sorcery

Two bonus dice (d10) when researching spells related to the elements. (TODO) Signature spell.


Gain a single spell from the Cleric spell list when you gain access to a new level of spell. Requires religious affiliation of some sort.