Spell Research


If a wizard want to extend their number of spells beyond the list contained in the rulebook or added by the game master, they may conduct research in order to create new spells.

Creation of spells higher than 3rd level requires the wizard to have access to a library or other area to conduct research in.

Without specialist training, wizards can’t research spells that heal living beings.

Designing a Spell

In order to research a spell, the wizard’s player first decides what spell they want to research, and tells the GM. The GM then decides what level the spell should be, and lets the player know of any required changes. If the spell is too powerful for the wizard to cast, the player and the GM can figure out how to alter it to be appropriate for their level, or the player can research it later.


A wizard may spend downtime conducting researching in a library, studying other wizards’ spells or spellbooks, scrolls or potions, or creatures and parts thereof in order to gain dice to research. The intended gameplay mechanic is for the wizard’s player to carry these dice around in a jar- if this is impractical, they should be noted on the character sheet.

Seeing unfamiliar spells, studying unfamiliar magical effects, items, or creatures are all good reasons to reward players with research dice.

They may also pay gold to add dice to their pool, with the prices as follows.

d(x) Success Chance Cost
d6 16.6% 160 GP
d8 37.5% 375 GP
d10 50% 450 GP
d12 58% 500 GP
d20 75% 700 GP
Level Req. Successes Cost
1 2 300 GP
2 3 500 GP
3 5 1000 GP
4 7 1500 GP
5 11 3000 GP
6 13 5000 GP

Researching a Spell

In order for the wizard to successfully research a spell, they must pay the cost in gold to research that level of spell, and roll at least the minimum number of dice required for research to succeed. If they have bonus dice thanks to a chosen Art or for other reasons, they may roll those in addition to the dice they would otherwise roll. Research may not be conducted with only bonus dice.

Any die that rolls higher than 5 counts as a success. If the wizard’s roll has at least the number of successes required for the spell to be researched, the wizard may add the spell to their spellbook, or a scroll, and remove the dice from their research pool. On failure, the wizard removes half, rounded down- prioritizing dice of lower value.